Technical data:

Cerrado - MG
Total area:
3,092 ha
Coffee planted area:
610 ha
Anual average production:
20,000 bags
Arabica Varieties:
Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Catucaí

Fazendas São João Grande Estate Coffee &

Dona Neném Grande Estate Coffee

The experience of more than three generations makes the Pinheiros Campos family a symbol of tradition in the state of Minas Gerais.

Various factors contribute to the very high quality of the coffees of these two farms: an altitude of 1000 metres, rich volcanic soil and average temperatures of around 22 degrees C. In addition, professional handling, drying processes and warehousing conditions contribute to the excellent quality of these coffees.

Furthermore, the Pinheiro Campos family has developed an environmental protection programme, which includes the preservation of 450 acres of beautiful Cerrado woods and the springs found on the plantations.

Fulfilling the most sophisticated taste requirements, the plantation specializes in two classic coffee preparation processes: natural and pulped natural.